Homemade Butter

Published by sax01 on

posted by:  andy burger, february 4, 2025

HOMEMADE BUTTER (One Ingredient)

Takes about 20 minutes –

  1. Get a pint or quart of heavy cream at least 36% milk fat

  2. Get your handy dandy mixer ready- put your mixing bowl in the freezer for 5 minutes prior- you want it cold.

  3. Pour heavy cream into mixing bowl and start mixing on medium high

  4. In 3 minutes – it becomes whipped cream.

  5. Turn off and scrape everything from the sides back to the middle. Turn on again and keep mixing.

  6. Roughly 10-15 minutes later it will start to harden and will become whipped butter. Turn off, scrape to middle, turn back on.

  7. 5 minutes or so it will start separating (milk liquid will be very liquid) and the butter itself will harden more.

  8. A couple more minutes and liquid (which is now butter milk) can be poured out through a strainer leaving only the butter itself.

  9. In a cold ice bath. Ball up the remaining butter and squeeze and work until the liquid coming out is almost clear. Basically you are ringing out the remaining butter milk from the solid.

  10. On a cold cutting board, sprinkle some kosher salt and work into the butter shaping as you go….. whallah- you have salted butter. If you don’t use salt you have unsalted butter. If you add a teaspoon or so of honey and work in- you have honey butter.

  11. AND you have some left over buttermilk to marinate those chicken thighs or breasts you were thinking about frying up 😎❤️

Enjoy the Step By Step Photos

Step 1 - get yourself some heavy cream at least 36% milk fat
Step 2: Start mixing on meduim-high, in 5 minutes you'll have unsweetend whipped cream
Step 3 - keep mixing after whipped and it will start to harden
Step 4 - Keep mixing until you see the butter separate from the "Butter Milk"
Step 5 - Strain off Butter Milk
Step 6 - In cold ice bath, ball up and squeeze until water runs clear from butter
Step 7 - On cold cutting board, work in some salt and mold to the shape you want.
Categories: food stuff