GRILLED Steamed Dumplings

Published by andy burger on

posted by:  andy burger, august 4, 2022

Do you like fried dumplings but don’t like the calories? Do you like steamed dumplings, but feel you are eating a mouthful of uncooked flour ?  Never say iBuggy wasn’t looking out for you – here we go 🙂


Head to you local Chinese Restaurant and buy a couple orders of regular white kind of normal bland looking steamed mealy dumpling(s) order.  It doesn’t really matter how good they are – trust me the process will make them amazing.   Make sure you grab a bunch of dumpling sauce, at least one extra container per order (for options)
  • pre-heat your gas or charcoal grill to hot and spray coat lots with PAM or a non-stick
  • take the dumpling sauce they give you with the dumplings and add to bowl – (optional) add iBuggy extreme hot sauce, or any hot sauce in your cabinet to dumpling sauce
  • stir sauce (with or without hot sauce) and set aside
  • put dumplings into glass bowl and lightly coat with Extra Virgin Olive Oil and some salt and pepper, coat ensuring all sides of dumpling are covered
  • put your dumplings on the grates direct
  • turn every minute, top/bottom/both sides, keep turning until golden brown
  • once done, put back into clean bowl
  • serve and eat with hot dumpling sauce or regular dumpling sauce or whatever 🙂
    Takes about 10 minutes start to finish – thank me the next time you see me.  By the way, they reheat perfectly the next day and are just like they came off the grill. Nuke for 30 seconds 😍

    Enjoy the Step By Step Photos

    Chinese Restaurant Order (Steamed Dumplings)
    Step 3 - Hot Sauce in Dumpling Sauce
    Step 6 - Dumplings on Grill (flat side down at first)
    Step 9 - flip to sides and brown
    Step 12 - place into glass serving bowl
    Step 1 - pre-heat Grill and spray with a LOT of non-stick
    Step 4 - Dumplings in Bowl (and prep with EVO, etc.)
    Step 7 - Flip each minute - round side down
    Step 10 - Flip to other side
    Step 2 - Sauce Prep (optional add hot sauce)
    Step 5 - toss dumplings with EVO - Salt and Pepper
    Step 8 - keep flipping a couple more times
    Step 11 - a couple more flips to ensure grilled consistency
    Cut and Sauce (Enjoy)
    Categories: food stuff